200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

Our 200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training in Bali is guided by qualified, skilled educators who have studied Kundalini yoga, the practice’s birthplace. They bring to Bali their knowledge of this potent kind of yoga and their enthusiasm for it. The training is held in Bali in a gorgeous and tranquil setting amidst with the tranquil sounds of nature. Along with the ideas of pranayama, asana, meditation, mantra, and yogic philosophy, you will learn the fundamentals of Kundalini yoga during this course. Kundalini yoga teaches you how to synchronise and awaken your energy centres and learn more about the chakras and subtle body.

Kundalini Yoga Ashram Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Indonesia

The Kundalini serpent is also Devi Kundalini a chain of glittering lights. (Carl Jung)

Kundalini Yoga is supported by kundalini kriyas and kundalini pranayama, the application of these practices will ensure that each chakra is cleared so that the energy is able to rise freely. At our world-famous Kundalini Yoga Training Ashram, we offer 200. 300 and 500-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher training courses.

Kundalini has evolved over the years as it has been taken to the west, however, the knowledge and practice that you will leave with is based on the ancient, traditional techniques of our forefathers and lineage. Our trained teachers will guide you through a logical and varied curriculum that includes topics such as Kundalini Philosophy, Kundalini Asana, Kundalini Anatomy, they will take time to explain each segment so that you leave the ashram with a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Once the Shakti energy starts to rise to join her beloved Shiva, you will begin to notice mental, physical, and spiritual changes. A sense of stillness/calmness emerges from within.

Teachers can advance their personal and professional development by enrolling in the 200-hour kundalini TTC. There are many opportunities to test, receive feedback on, and develop your teaching abilities. To make the most of your stay in Bali, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities and excursions in addition to the curriculum. Once the training is complete, you are certified by yoga alliance, USA. A remarkable kundalini yoga experience of self-discovery and personal growth awaits you in Bali. Join us today. Our Kundalini Yoga Ashramis so happy to welcome you.

A Certified Kundalini Yoga TTC

Our 200-hour kundalini yoga TTC in Bali is outstanding and unique. The training program begins your path towards developing your yoga techniques and building a respectable teaching career. The course’s objective is to familiarise you with the many dimensions of the art and science of yoga. Our yoga teacher training course in Bali helps you find your unique expression as you become a more impromptu yoga teacher. As the most sought-after yoga teacher, you will find your voice. We are recognised as Bali’s best yoga school by beginners and experts, so joining us will be a unique experience for you.

Successful yoga instructors must go through extensive orientation and training. You will graduate from whichever course you pick as a skilled yoga instructor since we always provide our best. When you join our yoga teacher training in Bali, you may rest at ease knowing that you are in capable hands. For new students and prospective yoga teachers, Kundalini Yoga Ashram is the best yoga school in Bali. With the aid of our innovative and skillfully designed 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Bali, you can begin to become certified by Yoga Alliance, USA, and a world of success will be waiting for you.

200 Hr Kundalini Yoga TTC

Why Choose 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

What You Will Learn

  • Kundalini Practice (to awaken the hidden energy)
  • Kundalini Kriya practices (To unite and balance the shiva and shakti)
  • Conscious and Unconscious mind
  • Hatha Yoga (for physical health and flexibility)
  • Pranayama (for energy balance and proper breathing)
  • Meditation (for calming and relaxing the mind to achieve stillness and stability in our life)
  • Bandhas (to awaken the hidden energy and channel of the energy in a safe environment)
  • Mudras (Yogic gestures that help you to save your energy so that you and achieve bliss)
  • Philosophy (Understanding your life and the function of kundalini/shakti)
  • Satkarma (Detox cleansing will help you to make yourself lighter and open to the awakening of Kundalini energy)
Kundalini Yoga Ashram Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Indonesia

Apply Now For Course

What topics are covered in our 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training in Bali?

  • The correct techniques and methods for asanas practice.
  • The sequencing and pranayama are to be followed for each chakra clearing.
  • The anatomy and physiology of the human body and how this affects the flow and practices of kundalini and kundalini awakening.
  • How to manage a class.
  • The ability to understand and identify any unique individual health issues which may affect a student's experience and how to address these issues.
  • Chakras – the key kriya practices to open and balance the chakras.
  • How to tap into the Kundalini energy and utilize its benefits in all areas of our lives.
  • Pranayama, Shatkarma, Bandha, and Mudra and their practical applications.
  • Yogic Philosophy including Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga.  The Vedas, the Origins of Yoga, and Much, much more.
  • Kundalini Kriyas and to give you a basis for the Kriya practice traditional Hatha Yoga will be included.
  • Use verbal cues and alignment to aid your students and prevent injury.
  • Kundalini Theory.
  • Meditation & Yoga Nidra.

Free Day

Sunday is free day and we have excursion tours arranged which are part of the full program. All are included in your course fees. On Sundays you will receive only breakfast and you can enjoy your lunch and dinner outside in the many beautiful cafes & restaurants.

What Are The Main Highlights Of Kundalini Yoga Training Course

The Dimensions of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra will be revealed to you in great detail. All tissues of the body begin to heal and detoxify which will lead to the release of supreme Kundalini energy, resulting in peace and bliss. Our curriculum will also cover the major ways in which this energy can unfold and manifest itself. Our students are trained to understand when their chakras may not be open or balanced and what to do to rectify this. The key highlights of this course are as follows:

  • Kundalini Kriya Practices
  • Kundalini Breath Work
  • Kundalini Mantra and Chanting
  • Kundalini Anatomy
  • Kundalini Philosophy
  • Raising the shakti energy
  • Becoming conscious
  • Top world-class authentic teachings
  • Following the traditional lineage of our Gurus and forefathers
  • Location and vibrational energy within the ashram
  • Access to experts in the subject matter.
Kundalini Yoga TTC

  • Founder of Kundalini Yoga
  • History of Kundalini Yoga Practices
  • Difference of Kundalini yoga and other yoga practices
  • What is not kundalini yoga?
  • Misunderstaning of kundalini yoga
  • Kundalini yoga in different tradition of the world
  • Is it safe to practice kundalini yoga from a normal yoga teacher and school?
  • Finding a real Master to learn kundalini yoga
  • Different Traditions of Kundalini yoga

  • Must have basics of yoga practices
  • Atleast someone has the regular practices of meditation
  • For last one year no drugs and smoking marijuana
  • Any mental dieseases are not qualified
  • Someone have divotion and trust to the teacher and respect to the tradition
  • It is not a religion so religious people should understand in the begining

  • Proper Sitting, Breathing and Relaxatioin
  • Prper focus on the point which will be guided
  • Detox and Removal of Toxins from the body

  • Pawanmuktasana Series 1 (Preparation for traditional asana)
  • Pawanmuktasana serie 2 (Intermidiate preparatory practices)
  • Pawanmuktasana series 3 (Advance Preparatory practice)
  • Trikonasana (triangle pose) to awake the fire center
  • Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose- to twist the energy
  • Uttkatasana –chair pose- strengthening the base
  • Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1- strengthening masculine energy
  •  Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2- strengthening masculine energy
  •  Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3- strengthening masculine energy
  •  Vriksasana – tree pose- to balance the energy
  •  Parvatasana – mountain pose- to still the energy
  •  Adho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog- receive steadyness
  •  Kati chakrasana – waist rotating pose- to free energy
  •  Garudasana – eagle pose- balanceing energy
  • Baddha Konasana- bound angle pose- hip opening to release tension in muladhar chakr
  • Bhujangasana a(Cobra pose- to awake heart chakra)
  • Prarthanasana (The prayer pose -to have reverence)
  • Padahastasana (The standing forward bend - to awake Muladhar Chakra)
  • Tadasana (The Tree Pose - for nourishing our spiritual aspiration)
  • Tadasana (The Tree Pose - for nourishing our spiritual aspiration)
  • Trikonasana (The Triangle pose)
  • Sahaja Agnisar Dhauti (Awakening inner fire - in Manipura Chakra)
  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose -to cleanse Vajra nadi to promote ascendance of the sexual energy towards upper chakras)
  • Shalabhasana (The Locust pose –Increases the blood supply to the sacrum and lower back)
  • Dhanurasana (The Bow pose – remove constipation and improve digestion)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Lord of the Fishes pose)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Upward flying lock)
  • Paschimottanasana (The back stretching pose)
  • Janushirshasana (The head to knee pose- eliminate laziness and weakness)
  • Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose-arousing Manipura chakra)
  • Naukasana (The boat pose – alleviates anxiety and nervousness)
  • Supta Vajrasana (The Reclining Thundrebolt pose – guides the sexual energy through Vajra nadi towards brain)
  • Garudasana (The Eagle pose – improve balance and co-ordination)
  • Nauli Kriya (The Navel Cleansing- Balance the three humours of the body kapha-vata-pitta)
  • Ardha Shirshasana (Half head stand- rejuvenate the brain cells)
  • Shashankasana (The Hare pose – remove stress, arrogance, selfishness and anger)
  • Pavanamuktasana (Massages the internal organ and decongests the liver and sexual organs)

In kundalini Yoga, a kriya is a series of postures (asana), breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental effects.

  • Principles of 10 bodies
  • Set of pranayama and meditation in Kundalini Yoga
  • You will learn
  • Basic Breath series meditation- series 1-3
  • Sodarshan Chakra Kriya 1-2
  • Sadhana Mantra for the Aquarian Age

  • Archer pose (Virbhadrasana)
  • Back rolls
  • Strectch backward
  • Boat pose
  • Bow pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cat –cow
  • Cat stretch
  • Cobra pose
  • Chair pose
  • Corpse pose
  • Celibate pose
  • Crow pose
  • Guru pranam
  • Ego eradicator
  • Frog pose
  • Front bends
  • Fish pose
  • Kundalini lotus
  • Leg lift
  • Leg lift
  • Lift nerve stretch
  • Life nerve stretch
  • Locust pose
  • Neck rolls
  • Maha mudra kriya
  • Pelvic lifts
  • Platform pose (front)
  • Plow pose
  • Platform pose (back)
  • Sat kriya
  • Shoulder stand
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Sitting bends

This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.

  • Warm up Exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bening
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, toungue, eye and head exercises

Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration

  • Root Energy Lock (help to rise kundalini from the base)
  • Abdominal Energy Lock (push awakening kundalini)
  • Throat Energy Lock (save draining energy from up)
  • Great Energy Lock (balancing the whole system to awake kundalini)

  • Jnana Mudra and Chin Mudra (to balance the fire and air energy to improve concentrationf)
  • Yoni Mudra: invokes the primal energy inherent in the womb or sourse of creation
  • Bhairava Mudra: help to unite the individual and supreme consciousness
  • Hridaya Mdura: Improve the vitality of the heart.it helps to release pent up emotion and remove emotional conflict.
  • Shambhavi Mudra: improve mental stability and state of thoughtlessness
  • Khechari Mudra: Practicing this a yogi trap the descending drops of amrita at vishudhi overcoming hunger and thirst, and rejuvenating the entire body.
  • Viparit Karani Mudra: It balance the activities of the thyroid. It balance the ida and pingala nadi so that kundalini can move through susumna nadi

  • Necessity of yoga nidra for kundalini practitioner
  • What type of yoga nidra is included in kundalini sadhana
  • Deep relaxstion
  • Subtle body awakening yoga nidra
  • 31 point blue star yoga nidra

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Defination of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata
  • Relation between sex and kundalini
  • Importance of Brahmacharya for awakening
  • Discipline of Sex in daily life to maintain health and harmony

Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.

You will have the opportunity to take an Indonesian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in Indonesia contains lots of mudra and shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy

Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.

  • Kundalini Mantra Chant
  • Devi Prayer
  • Tratak
  • Maun Sadhana
  • Shiva Shakti sadhana
  • Japa Sadhana
  • Meditation for kundalini
  • Preparation to meditation
  • Creating a foundation for kundalini meditation
  • Developing concentration
  • Art of cleaning and opening chakras
  • Mantra meditation for different daties of different chakras
  • Disturbances on kundalini meditation

  • Jala neti
  • Rubber Neti
  • Jihwa dhauti
  • Agnisar
  • Kunjal Kriya
  • Kapalbhati
  • Tratak

  • Kosthya Swasa (Diaphragmatic breathing) for prolonging and smooth breath
  • Kapal Bhati – For Awakening 3rd Eye and emotional cleansing
  • Bhastrika – For Awakening fire centre and Emotional Stability
  • Bhramari – Transforming Brain Waves and cleansing ajna and Sahasrar chakra
  • Nadi-shodhanam – For balancing both hemisphere and activate susumna
  • Dynamic of breath
  • Upper Susumna breathing
  • Lower Susumna breathing (Spinal breathing)
  • Understanding prana and Swasa

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Practices to awake Bindu
  • Practices for Chakra Awareness

Indonesia has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.

Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice

  • Nadis/Energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Nervous system

  • Understanding Ayurveda to balance our energy system
  • Chakra Massage
  • 5 element theory applying to our body energy
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu
  • Tridosha

Energy Transmission (Shaktipat)

We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.

Daily Schedule For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

05:00 AM - 06:00 AMKundalini Sadhanas

06:15 AM - 07:15 AMKundalini Pranayama and Meditation

07:30 AM - 09:00 AMTraditional Kundalini Tantra Theory & Asanas

09:00 AM - 09:45 AMBreakfast

10:45 AM - 11:45 AMYoga & Spritual Anatomy

12:00 AM - 01:00 PMYoga Alignment & Adjustment

01:00 PM - 02:00 PMLunch

02:00 PM - 03:30 PMSelf-Study

03:30 PM - 04:30 PMKundalini Philosophy

04:30 PM - 06:00 PMClassical Hatha Yoga

06:00 PM - 07:00 PMDinner

07:00 PM - 08:00 PMLights Off

Upcoming 200 Hour Kundalini Tantra Yoga TTC Dates



$1299$1199 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1339 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2399 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2099 Private Room

Course Price

Limited Offer Booking

1st To 20th Jan 2025

02 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Feb 2025

03 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Mar 2025

03 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Apr 2025

04 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th May 2025

04 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Jun 2025

05 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Jul 2025

05 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Aug 2025

05 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Sep 2025

05 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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1st To 20th Oct 2025

06 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room

$1499$1899(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room

$1799$2199 2 Sharing Room

$2399$2799 Private Room

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Inclusion & Exclusions With This Course


  • Accommodation(Air Conditioner Room)
  • Daily Nutritious Meals
  • Outdoor yoga class
  • Weekend excursions
  • Yoga material & Kirtan session
  • Sacred Fire Ceremony
  • Balini Culture experience
  • Towels and bed sheet
  • Online Pre-recorded preparatory course videos after booking

What is not included in the course fees ?

  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Treatment and Healing Sessions/ Training
  • A variety of massages with a discounted price for the students
  • Visa fee/airfare/taxi pick-up

Apply Now For Course

Requirements / Suitability

  • People wanting to develop the skill of teaching in the path of traditional kundalini yoga and meditation
  • Beginners through to advanced yoga practitioners
  • Those wanting to awaken the hidden energy
  • Those with at least 6 months experience in practicing yoga or those with 200/300-hour certificates from other schools.
  • Those who are seeking a 200hr yoga alliance certificate after completion of the course
  • Those who are interested in teaching meditation kriya and kundalini practices & an open mind


  • The booking amount of $200 is Non- refundable, the remaining fee is paid on arrival.
  • If you require air conditioning there is an additional cost of $150.
  • The TTC starts on the 1st of every month and ends on the 20th of each month. Time allocated for self-study and practice time will be calculated in the total hours.
  • It is an intensive program, so you will not have time to study any other courses alongside this one.
  • The daily schedule may change according to weather and situations.

Student Stories

My yoga teacher training in the Kundalini Yoga Ashram was recently completed. As a whole, the quality of the instruction was excellent, with knowledgeable instructors.

Amber Ruff

Gabrielle Welch

I am so glad I decided to go to Kundalini Yoga Ashram because it completely transformed how I thought about learning yoga in the traditional sense and gave me the knowledge I need to advance in my practice. Excellent yoga class in Bali with knowledgeable, experienced teachers and a calm environment.

Amber Ruff

Priscilla Twitty

The Kundalini Yoga Ashram was a wonderful experience for me. The lecturers were outstanding. Management was incredibly polite and helpful.

Amber Ruff

Violet Greene

One of my friends had an excellent opportunity to learn. She was already familiar with the physical aspects of yoga, but global peace introduced her to the complicated physiological, emotional, and spiritual elements. She enjoyed the yoga experience very much at Kundalini Yoga Ashram.

Amber Ruff

Shana Harper

  • Address
  • Kundalini Yoga Ashram, Bali

© Copyright 2023 Kundalini Yoga Ashram
