500-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Our 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali offers a unique method to refine your teaching approach and practice in a supportive setting. The 500-hour kundalini Yoga TTC is a thorough training curriculum designed to increase your understanding of and competence in Kundalini yoga. Students can receive safe, practical assistance through asanas and other practices, regardless of their background. Our instructors are skilled at creating a calm and supportive environment that allows students to connect with their inner selves and experience the transformative power of yoga. We give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to advance your yoga practice, learn practical teaching methods, and take in Bali’s breathtaking natural beauty.
Why Take 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.
Kundalini yoga awakens the true source of limitless energy lying dormant in all of us and teaches us how to use this energy to its full potential. Kundalini Yoga can benefit our lives so abundantly.
With our 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, here in Bali you will have a full teaching schedule of each topic relating to Kundalini and the Kriya practices. - concepts and theories in Kundalini Philosophy; verbal cues and alignment methods to correct and support your students and prevent injury, Kundalini Pranayama - intense breath work and practice to clear the inner energy channels- the Chakra’s so that the energy can flow freely. Kundalini Anatomy and Physiology where you will gain a deep and systematic understanding of the functioning of the body and how this relates to all aspects of yogic practice and the subtle body; Hatha Yoga to provide a basis for the basic asana and Kundalini Theory. Kundalini Mantra and Chanting so that you feel and align the sound and vibration in your inner being. The Chakras and the meaning behind each Chakra, how they impact our moods, emotions if they blocked.
As a result, creative potential is invoked with abounding positivity and one is relieved from the stress and gloom of the past and with continuous bhakti (i.e. devotion) in Kundalini Yoga. Further, one also gets to realize the true objectives of his professional worth and skill and thus sets out to fulfill his major and bigger purpose in life with full, unprecedented, and unparalleled zest. The 500-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali, Indonesia holds the key to great health and personal success.
The spine is the tree of life – let your roots stabilize and your branches sway to the beat of your heart.
Kundalini yoga may benefit students due to its unique spiritual and physical growth approach. A few benefits of the Kundalini awakening include a happier life, a closer spiritual connection, heightened awareness, more creativity, and better physical health. We also provide a holistic yoga plan that blends yoga’s psychological, spiritual, and physical components. This may help students understand who they are and how they fit into the world. Join us for our 500-hour kundalini yoga teacher training course in Bali if you are ready to improve your teaching and practising.
500 hour YTTC exclusive - now includes:
Note: 3 certificates are gained to increase your knowledge and deepen your practice.These 3 certificates are all approved for Yoga Alliance registration
Beginner to Advanced Level Kundalini Yoga TTC
Our best 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC Bali will enhance your teaching skills, and it should have a breadth of information and a variety of yoga styles. Our Kundalini Yoga Ashram 500-hour yoga course is the best choice if you want to complete both basic yoga teacher training and advanced yoga training simultaneously. A Kundalini Yoga Ashram is the best location for you. Every yoga asana, from the most basic to the most difficult, is covered over the two-month Kundalini Yoga Ashram program, which is incredibly regimented and challenging. After finishing our 500-hour yoga teacher training curriculum, you will be qualified, well-versed, and confident enough to begin instructing advanced yoga sessions.
One of the best places to learn kundalini yoga is the Kundalini Yoga Ashram. We put much effort into providing a top-notch, detailed curriculum that enables students to teach kundalini yoga confidently and competently while promoting individual growth and change in a friendly environment. You must complete the 300-hour kundalini yoga TTC in Bali to be eligible to register for the 500-hour program there. The focus is on in-depth practice, learning, and community, although the overall structure of the daily routine is comparable to that of the 200 or 300-hour programs.
Why Choose 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
Why Chose Kundalini Yoga Ashram In Bali, Indonesia
Live the light, spread the light, be the light
Some of the key skills gained from you 500 Hours Kundalini Yoga TTC Programme at Kundalini Yoga Ashram include, but are not limited to
Free Day
Sunday is free day and we have excursion tours arranged which are part of the full program. All are included in your course fees. On Sundays you will receive only breakfast and you can enjoy your lunch and dinner outside in the many beautiful cafes & restaurants.
What Are The Main Highlights Of Kundalini Yoga Training Course
The Dimensions of Kundalini Yoga will be revealed to you in great detail. All tissues of the body begin to heal and detoxify which will lead to the release of supreme Kundalini energy, resulting in peace and bliss. Our curriculum will also cover the major ways in which this energy can unfold and manifest itself. Our students are trained to understand when their chakras may not be open or balanced and what to do to rectify this. The key highlights of this course are as follows:-
500 - Hour Syllabus Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.
Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.
Indonesia has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.
Guru Vishnu is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati and will initiate you into the first step of Mantra Initiaion, so that you canbegin your spiritual journey and practice.
Teaching Practice
Teaching Methodology
This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.
We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.
Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.
You will have the opportunity to take an Indonesian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in Indonesia contains lots of mudra and Shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy.
Students will receive the one Group Reiki Session.
Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.
Daily Schedule For 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Starting days practice
500 hours YTTC, experience the advanced understanding of core yoga
Last 5 Days you will practice
05:00 AM - 06:00 AMKundalini Sadhanas
06:15 AM - 07:15 AMKundalini Pranayama and Meditation
07:30 AM - 09:00 AMTraditional Kundalini Tantra Theory & Asanas
09:00 AM - 09:45 AMBreakfast
10:45 AM - 11:45 AMYoga & Spritual Anatomy
12:00 AM - 01:00 PMYoga Alignment & Adjustment
01:00 PM - 02:00 PMLunch
02:00 PM - 03:30 PMSelf-Study
03:30 PM - 04:30 PMKundalini Philosophy
04:30 PM - 06:00 PMClassical Hatha Yoga
06:00 PM - 07:00 PMDinner
07:00 PM - 08:00 PMLights Off
Upcoming 500 Hour Kundalini Tantra Yoga TTC Dates
6 Sharing Room
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Course Price
Limited Offer Booking
1st Mar To 25th Apr 2025
02 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Apr To 25th May 2025
03 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st May To 25th Jun 2025
03 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Jun To 25th Jul 2025
03 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Jul To 25th Aug 2025
03 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Aug To 25th Sep 2025
06 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Sep To 25th Oct 2025
05 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Oct To 25th Nov 2025
07 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Nov To 25th Dec 2025
07 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st Dec To 25th Jan 2026
07 Seats left
$2599$3199(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$2999$3599(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Accommodation For This Course
Inclusion & Exclusions With This Course
What is not included in the course fees ?
Requirements / Suitability
The Kundalini Yoga Ashram is a top yoga school in Bali with skilled teachers and a serene setting. I 100% endorse the Bali yoga teacher training courses Kundalini Yoga Ashram offers. The staff is helpful and friendly.
Margaret Barnett
I want to convey my gratitude to every Kundalini Yoga Ashram team member who welcomed me and shared a wealth of information with me. I will never forget any of you. See you soon.
Priscilla Gardner
As a result of the highly qualified instructors, I prefer Kundalini Yoga Ashram. I especially value the Kundalini Yoga Ashram teachers for their elegant and meticulous training.
Elsie Robertson
Yoga teacher training is best conducted at Kundalini Yoga Ashram. The instructors are top-notch. They exhibit a strong sense of self-discipline in their communication and lecture delivery.
Tamara Binder